Working in Canada

People from other countries who want to work temporarily in Canada usually need a work permit.
The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP) are two of the main ways that work permits are given out.

The TFWP gives work permits to people whose companies get a good Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). An LMIA that is good means that the job needs a foreign worker to do it and there isn’t a Canadian worker who can do it.

For IMP work licenses, you don’t need a positive LMIA. They do ask that a job offer be sent through their employer portal.

There are two kinds of work permits in Canada: open work permits and employer-specific work permits.

Open Work Permit


Open work permits whereby no formal pre-existing requirements are needed are open to working professionals who fulfill certain standard positions. These include an athlete or coach, clergy, witnesses or investigators, military personnel, and other jobs that are highly specific. The exception to this is an IEC Working Holiday permit. For most foreign nationals wishing to work in Canada, a legal document authorizing formal employment and stay in Canada is needed.  

IEC Working Holiday Program


The Working Holiday pathway is part of a program called International Experience Canada (IEC). This class or work permit is an open work permit that does not require a job placement to apply; it allows for free travel and work in Canada for up to two years depending on your country of origin. 

A Working Holiday permit is a fantastic route for young people up to the age of 35 who want to experience Canada and be free to work and travel in Canada as you wish. This class of permit is perfect if you want to;

  • Work for more than one employee in Canada 
  • Work in more than one location 
  • Earn some money whilst you are traveling 

The IEC Working Holiday Permit is an open work permit meaning that nearly all jobs in Canada are open for you to apply to work in during your time in Canada. 

Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)


The Temporary Foreign Worker Program facilitates employees to fill labor and skills shortages on a limited time. Examples of prioritized and highly sought skills include but not exclusively; agricultural workers, agri-food, truck driving and health care occupations. Employers under the TFWP require a labor market impact assessment (LMIA) from the employer before you are able to start working in Canada.

Other Canada Work Programs


There are many different work programs. Each has its own unique requirements. For instance, healthcare or agriculture workers can apply through a work program that is designed to fill labor shortages. Other work programs are more geared towards working and immigration. There is no one-size-fits-all all. The diverse number and type of Canadian work programs are a reflection of the diversity of foreign workers that Canada wishes to attract. 

* Québec as will all immigration or work programs has slightly different requirements and conditions. 

What is a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)?


The Labor Market Impact Assessment is needed by an employer in order for candidates to start working under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and most Canadian work programs.

An LMIA confirms if there is a need for a foreign worker ( positive LMIA) and no Canadians or permanent residents are available to fill the position. 


that the position can be filled by a Canadian or permanent resident ( negative LMIA) and no foreign nationals are needed to fill the position.

We can assist you


With extensive knowledge and experience with Canada work programs, we understand that every client is a unique case. Leave your details below for a consultation with our work permit team. 

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